You put out a lot of money to move into a new place. Ideally, you’ll recover some of that cash when you move out and your landlord returns your security deposit. There’s no guarantee you will receive your security deposit back; however, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances. Here are a few you may want to consider.
Read your Lease
It’s probably been some time since you last looked at your lease. Refresh your memory by going over it again, looking for specific things that might cause you to forfeit your security deposit. For example, your landlord may have spelled out certain cleaning chores that must be completed at the end of your lease. Make a list of those things or highlight them so they stand out.
Take Care of Small Repairs
If there are small repairs you can do quickly and inexpensively, consider making them. For example, you might want to patch nail holes, hang new blinds, or replace light bulbs and batteries.
Painting is something most landlords take care of right after a tenant moves out. However, if you painted any part of your residence, you should nonetheless paint it the original color again.
Clean Everything
You’ll want your place to be spic and span from top to bottom. Scrub every nook and cranny, including hard-to-reach areas such as behind your appliances. Dust ceiling fans, and wipe down every shelf inside your cabinets. Don’t forget window sills, baseboards, mini-blinds and wall smudges.
Floors and bathroom fixtures should be spotless as well. Dirty floors and bathrooms are one of the top reasons landlords deduct from security deposits.
When you are in the middle of a move, you may not have time to clean your home properly. Don’t leave anything to chance when you can contact us instead. As professional move-out cleaners, we know what landlords expect. We’ll leave your home in top condition so that you can keep as much of your security deposit as possible.