5 Tips to Spring Clean Your Home Space

It’s that time of year again. Time to open your home’s windows, air it out, clean, and get organized for the summer months. However, if you are like most people, you might be wondering what are the first steps to take to get your home life in top shape.  Here are 5 tips to help you get spring and summer-ready.

5 Tips to Spring Clean Your Home Space

Start with a Plan

There must be a plan in place to deal with chaos. Start with simple tasks to get you in the cleaning mood. Decide ahead of time what you will do with the items that you no longer desire to keep. Also, determine how and where you will store the items you plan to keep but are seasonal. Tune in to some of your favorite music and get started.


The rule of thumb, if you haven’t needed it or used it in over a year, time to let it go. Now is the perfect time to consider donating unwanted items to charity. Donations should be taken as soon as possible to shorten the procrastination.


Get everything organized and stored away. Use labels for boxes or any other storage containers. Organizing your items will allow you to locate them quickly without hassle.

Schedule Your Cleaning

Between family, working, running errands, and just living a busy lifestyle, it can feel as if you have little time for anything else. You might be surprised how sitting down to schedule out your time, will give you a few extra minutes a day for cleaning and decluttering.

Hire a Professional Cleaning Service

Don’t overexert yourself. If you do find that cleaning and decluttering takes a bit more time than you have, consider hiring a professional cleaning service. Schedule a consultation and discuss what you need to be done to your home. A professional cleaning lady or team can home to your residence and get things done for you. To find out more about hiring a cleaning service for your home contact us.

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