Shopping for the Best Maid Service in McKinney? You Found Us!

Black Friday. Cyber Monday. Two of the biggest shopping days of the year. The best deals are rolled out, and the most aggressive of shoppers are waiting at the doors or at their keyboards. The chase is on for the best brands and cheapest prices, and the whole experience is a sight to behold. For … Read moreShopping for the Best Maid Service in McKinney? You Found Us!

McKinney’s Finest Cleaning Service at Your Fingertips

Isn’t it amazing what all we can do these days at the touch of a button? From purchasing all of our Christmas gifts to grocery shopping to FaceTime with our friend 3,000 miles away. We can sit in the comfort of our favorite recliner and take care of business with such ease and cleaning our … Read moreMcKinney’s Finest Cleaning Service at Your Fingertips

Plan Ahead for All of Your Holiday Cleaning

November is here, and our beloved holiday season is almost upon us. Pumpkins decorate our homes, Black Friday ads scatter across our coffee tables, and Christmas music begins to infiltrate the radio stations. This means that holiday parties and family gatherings are making their way to our calendars, as well.  Which is why planning ahead … Read morePlan Ahead for All of Your Holiday Cleaning

Tricks and Tips to Keeping a Clean Kitchen

Our kitchen… the room in our house that generally sees the most traffic, conversation, and mess throughout each day. From the time bellies start growling in the morning until the midnight snacks have been served before bed, our kitchen often takes the most work to maintain. We work hard to get everything cleaned and polished … Read moreTricks and Tips to Keeping a Clean Kitchen

Housecleaning and Your Pets… Doing Our Job with Them in Mind

Will you still clean my house if I have pets? This is a popular question among those inquiring about hiring professional cleaning help. At The Clean Haven, our answer is a resounding “Of course we will!”. Although pet hair may be a turnoff for some cleaning companies, we accept the challenge and want to take into … Read moreHousecleaning and Your Pets… Doing Our Job with Them in Mind

Baby on the Way? A Deep Cleaning Will Settle Your Nesting Frenzy

You have spent months preparing for this new change in your family. You have read all of the right books and made all of the necessary purchases. You are starting to pull together a scheduled list of close friends and family who will be spending time with you both before and after the birth of … Read moreBaby on the Way? A Deep Cleaning Will Settle Your Nesting Frenzy

A Back-to-School Cleaning Plan for Your Home

Summer has flown by, and the back-to-school rush is in full swing! Parents are sending their kids off to school, teachers are back in their classrooms, and schedules are starting to fill up as the countless activities of the upcoming school year begin to unfold. It can be an exciting yet overwhelming time of the … Read moreA Back-to-School Cleaning Plan for Your Home