How to Clean Your Stainless Steel Appliances

Stainless steel appliances are a beautiful accent to any kitchen, but if you have them, you’ve most likely struggled with keeping them fingerprint and streak-free. Make your stainless steel appliances sparkle with something you probably already have in your pantry – olive oil! This is a great tip if you’re looking for a natural way to clean because you’ll avoid harsh chemicals…

How to Clean Your Toilet

Cleaning your toilets may not be the most glamourous job, but unfortunately it has to be done.  Try following these these easy steps at least once a week and your toilet will stay sparking clean! Squeeze your toilet bowl cleaner under the lid and let it work its way down.  Use a toilet brush to scrub…

Organize your Junk Drawer

If you are like most of us, you too have the dreaded junk drawer.  Don’t know where something goes?  Why not add it to the junk drawer!  The problem is too much junk can get overwhelming and too much junk usually leads to not being able to find the junk you are looking for.  Why…

Garage Junk!

Does your home have a garage?  Are you able to park your car in your garage or is it full of garage junk?? Many homeowners are unable to use their garages because it is an easy place to store unwanted junk.  Junk builds on junk, and suddenly, your entire garage is filled, and you have…